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Welcome!! The Saturn and Mars Shrine is dedicated to Sailor Saturn, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Pluto. These are the scouts of Silence and Death, Fire and Prophecy, and Time. I am Star Priestess, the webmistress. If you have any questions, please e-mail me (from the contacts page). Sailor Moon has been a hobby and interest of mine since I was little. To those of you who LOOOOVE Sailor Moon, and to those of you who like many different animes, and to those of you who like certain animes, AND to everyone else who has come to this site, Welcome and enjoy your stay at The Saturn and Mars Shrine.
Note - If you'd like your link set up on the Link Page, Either IM me on AIM or E-mail me!! Anything goes, thanks a ton for your support. ^.- |
News for The Saturn and Mars Shrine!!
Late updated January 4, 2002. I updated again!! Head to the updates page to see what's up!! |
Pluto, Eternal Guardian of Time!!
Sailor Pluto, forever guarding the gates of time from the evil who would misuse it's power. She must prevent evil from going through time and space so that the universe remains safe. The job is tough, but someone has to do it! Sailor Pluto can see the future and the past, and anything else in between. Mars looks up to her a lot, and the two enjoy each other's company. Pluto's attack, Dead Scream, is feared greatly by her enemies, and Pluto even has the power to stop time! |
What's New at The Saturn and Mars Shrine?? I'll tell you what!!
Thank you all!! I checked out the Guestbook and you really seem to like my site!! Thank you all!! If you have anything you'd like to post, or just want to talk about anime, E-mail me!! Thank you all very very much!!
The Best Link On This Page!!
Saturn! Senshi of Silence!
Sailor Saturn is the senshi of silence. She is weak in her human form, but has the strongest attacks that can destroy whole worlds. She's so cute! To the best of my knowledge she doesn't have a knight, but in many fanfictions (stories written by fans) people have given her a knight. Her father, Dr. Tomoe, is a scientist. In Sailor Moon S he was turned evil by Mistress 9. Because of his help, Pharoh 90 almost destroyed the universe, but Sailor Saturn appeared and stopped him. |

Sailor Mars: Fire Scout
Sailor Mars, the senshi of fire, is a psychic. She senses evil vibes much more than the rest of the scouts and can feel when negativity is close by. She is also very pretty. In fanfiction, her knight is Chad, a struggling musician who came to Cherry Hill Temple to get over his stage fright.
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